Feladás dátuma:
több, mint egy hónapjaMidi USB Host átalakító converter
Mode Machines
Cerebel USB V 2
Converts any USB MIDI Class compliant device in to Standard MIDI Out DIN.
Perfect for any situation where a computer or Laptop is not desired.
Small and portable, perfect for travelling light.
Ideal way of bringing cheap controller solutions to the world of DIY, Audio-visual installations, performances and analogue or modular synthesis.
Use an USB HUB for a tidy way of powering 5V devices like tablets, phones, cameras, etc.
Arduino based and totally hackable.
Power Input: Micro USB Type B 5V 1000mA. (stable) use only the supplied adaptor.
Power Out (USB Host Port): 5VDC 1000mA.
MIDI DIN ports: 1x OUT.
Dimensions: 69 x 51 x 29 mm.
Weight: 90g.
Leads: Micro USB to USB A.
Csak személyes Blaha L. tér Budapesten
vagy Debrecenben Egyetem mellet.
NO Foxpost / NO GLS
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